Not in your typical, I miss the California sun, the sandy beaches and colorful Hollywood characters you meet in the streets.
Batman impersonator I’m talking to you.
I miss home in the way you miss a memory. It’s the warmth of a “welcome home” hug, a familiar voice, the sound friends and family gathered at the dinner table. I miss home, the way you miss that time you stayed up all night eating junk you shouldn't have and drinking too many root beer floats.
Still, I miss my family, its incredibly hard going from being 120 miles away to 2,350 miles. Our last duty station put us in good ole’ Fort Irwin. We were just a stones throw away. Now? I have to calculate hour differences, I schedule calls with my parents during hours that are convenient for them. Not to mention I’m missing HUGE moments. Like my father remarrying (still don’t really know how to feel about it) and my mother developing a weird illness I’ve never heard of. I know I’m not alone in this and other people have it a lot worse, I have friends in Germany for example; we considered briefly placing Italy or Germany in our choice list for the future. Not only could I not deal with being so far from family, we couldn't decide on who's vehicle to leave behind. I mean my Jeep is obviously a better choice than his Tundra.
Can I just have a ten bedroom house? Can I just have my own castle to house every single person that is near and dear to me? We can all live together, have bonfires and sing Kumbaya under the stars?! I don’t want to miss another thing but alas, this is life. Tell me I’m not alone…
Are there any big moments you’ve missed since leaving the nest? How do you deal with the distance and maintaining a relationship with the family you left behind?